ugg outlet stores The FUNimation anime names the character as the "Awakened Claymore" in the voice actor credits, implying that the Yoma is a former Claymore warrior. Early in the Claymore series, warriors awoke to become Yoma only. The concept of awakened beings was later introduced in the Slashers arc.The manga version of this character is depicted as a Yoma using a Claymore uniform as a disguise.Driven by miniaturization of transistors and improvements in the MMI (man machine interface.) Each phase from mainframe, to mini, to desktop, and now mobile (from rewiring circuits, to punchcards, to keyboards, to graphical user interfaces, and now gestures, and in future natural language) has represented a +ten fold increase in accessibility and market opportunity. By 2020 80% of the adult population GLOBALLY will be connected to the internet using a mobile smart device. The question is what hardware and software will they